A native of Germany, Sibylle Marquardt moved to Canada in 1997. An active chamber and orchestral player in Canada and Europe, she is also recognized for her teaching. Since 1998 she is a Certified Teacher on the Faculty of the Royal Conservatory of Music, has joined the College of Examiners and has become a sought after adjudicator at music festivals. As well she was a visiting artist at the Etobicoke School for the Arts, one of the designated art schools of the Toronto District School Board. Since her move to Halifax/NS in July 2018, she joined the faculty of the Maritime Conservatory for the Performing Arts. (more…)
Categories Archives: Classical
Classical music has made a dramatic comeback in the world of functions and events. Once regarded as being “highbrow,” classical music is now appreciated for what it really always has been – good music which is entertaining, relaxing, full of beauty and charm.
Whether in the foreground or in the background, light classical music is always a perfect companion to special events. Some of the most popular classical music ensembles include: violin and cello duo; flute and cello duo; string quartet; flute, violin, cello trio; solo classical guitar; oboe, violin and cello trio; flute and classical guitar; solo piano; singers and Rhapsody Quintet (violin, piano, cello, bass, clarinet).
Classical musicians are highly trained professionals with many years of performing experience. Many of the performers represented by Walt Music are members of Symphony Nova Scotia, the only Canadian professional symphony orchestra east of Quebec. The musicians are as comfortable and experienced in wedding repertoire as they are in concert pieces.
Classical music is usually performed without amplification in a concert setting, but can be amplified depending on the nature of your event. Singers and choral ensembles can join in for all or part of your function. Salon music (waltz, tango, e.g.) is also available for dancing.

Sybille Marquardt

Dominic Desautels
Dominic Desautels has been the principal clarinetist at Symphony Nova Scotia in Canada since 2012. He has quickly earned acclaim and recognition since his debut as soloist at age 21 with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.
Known for his singing approach to clarinet playing, Dominic is the winner of several competitions and awards in Canada, including Radio-Canada’s Auditions Jeunes Artistes, and the concerto competitions of the Université de Montréal and Orchestre de la Francophonie.

Vladimir Nester
Before Vladimir – a professional musician for more than 20 years – made Canada his new home, he mastered both guitar and composition in Russia. Prize winner of a notable international classical guitar copmetition, he graduated from Rostov State Conservatory and toured across Europe with The Bis Band, and also as a soloist.

Nova Brilliante
The combination of flute and harp has captivated listeners for centuries. Bringing together two of the most ancient instruments, flutist Patricia Creighton and harpist Karen Rokos formed Nova Brilliante to be able to create soundscapes for listeners that would not only be very pleasing and provocative, but also healing. Both artists have fully professional and long-standing orchestral and chamber careers. Their recent disc “Melodies of Love” was a 2008 ECMA Best Classical Album nominee, and their concerts are received enthusiastically.
NOVA BRILLIANTE presents many different styles of music, from renaissance through baroque, classical, latin, very modern, and even improvisation, depending upon the needs of the concert presenter. Their presentation is artful, seamless and totally engaging.

The Aeolian Singers
Now in its 39th season, the Aeolian Singers began under the direction of founder Claire Wall as a program of Dartmouth Continuing Education. From 1976 to 1990 the choir performed under Claire’s direction, competing and winning in music festivals, making recordings, performing with Symphony Nova Scotia and touring throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and many parts of Canada. The Aeolians have always been enthusiastic champions of new music created for women’s voices, including commissions in those years supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the CBC, such as Dennis Farrell’s Vestigia and Alasdair MacLean’s Songs and Sayings, among other pieces. (more…)

Rhapsody Quintet
For more than 20 years Nova Scotia’s Rhapsody Quintet has thrilled and delighted audiences with its sparkling renditions of a wide range of music, including light classical, salon, musical theatre, jazz, tango, klezmer, movie music and more. Through their performances and recordings they have reached out across Canada and the world, performed for royalty, worked with school children and helped to raise funds for many deserving causes. (more…)

Blue Engine String Quartet
The Blue Engine String Quartet was formed in 1997 as the core ensemble of the Nova Scotia chamber music series, Blue Engine Music, a registered not-for-profit society. The quartet players are also members of Symphony Nova Scotia. From classical roots, the Quartet has expanded its horizons to perform innovative works that draw a wide-ranging audience to some of the East Coast’s most interesting chamber music programs. The Quartet and its guest artists has delighted Halifax with the music of such diverse musical minds as Shostakovich, Brahms, Copland, Steve Tittle, Arvo Pärt, Kurt Weill, Queen, The Turtles, Elvis Costello, Steve Reich, R. Murray Schafer, Christos Hatzis, P.D.Q. Bach, and Leonard Cohen. (more…)

Karen Langille – baroque violin
Ivor Rothwell – baroque bassoon, recorder
Shawn Whynot – harpsichord
Hilary Brown – baroque cello
Réjouissance was founded in 1995 by Halifax musicians Karen Langille and Ivor Rothwell, both long time members of Symphony Nova Scotia. This ensemble specializes in the performance of 17th and 18th century music on period instruments, in historically informed style. The name “Réjouissance“ means rejoicing or merrymaking, and the ensemble strives to instill their performances with these sensibilities. Often, the musicians perform in18th century costume, and by candle light. (more…)

Maritime Brass Quintet
The Maritime Brass Quintet brings the highest calibre chamber music to concert halls, churches, festivals and schools across the Maritimes. The group is comprised of five of Canada’s finest brass players: Curtis Dietz and Richard Simoneau (trumpet), Gina Patterson (horn), Eric Mathis (trombone) and Bob Nicholson (tuba & bass trombone). (more…)

Dale Kavanagh
Canadian-born Dale Kavanagh is one of the classical guitar world’s most gifted interpreters. Between 1986 and 1988 Ms. Kavanagh was a top prize winner in Spain’s Segovia Competition, Italy’s Gargnano Competition, Switzerland’s Neuchatel Competition and First and Special Prize winner in Finland’s Scandinavian International Guitar Competition. Dale Kavanagh received her Bachelor of Music degree at Dalhousie University in Canada, then completed her graduate studies with the Solisten Diplom at the Musik Akademie der Stadt Basel with Oscar Ghiglia in Switzerland. (more…)